
Showing posts from July, 2017

The throw down truth

   I am anxious to see who will actually read this, because while I think it's super important....people don't like back story. So, why in the hell am I spending time on a blog that is going to have the throw down truth in it about my business? Because, it's important that as my family, friends, fans, clients, etc know exactly what makes LBN so different. Now wait, I swear I just felt the eye roll and the huff of air out of your mouth....but really....besides price, or that you may know you really know why would want to purchase my items? Please, before judging, take a minute to read the article. Truly understand WHAT you are investing in.    As most of you know that little girl in the picture above is now my oldest child. She is the WHOLE basis of the company. In fact, her name is part of the business. We call her Belle. Now, before I make this into a huge sappy story....the name of my business is VERY important. If you didn't know, surprise... I am Fren...