
Showing posts from August, 2017

Easy Delicious Crepe

        So, it's been a while hasn't it? Ok, so long story short....I lost my ever loving mind. The shop got a little busy, my oldest started school, I went to Florida to see my sister, I had a birthday, my youngest was sick, my oldest had her birthday. has been busy to say the least. Forgive me.         Now...let's get to it. As you all should know by now, I am French. I LOVE French cuisine. I love making things that are challenging...but I also LOVE easy. I am not going to go into why I love easy...but if you're a mom, or you've read at least ONE of my'll know why.    Crepes are an amazing meal. Yes...meal. If done right, they're light, airy and can be filled with ANYTHING. Yes...anything. In France, they aren't small. Usually you only need one to get your fill for what ever you're needing. Get more, and they stare at you like you're crazy. But, I digress.         For me and m...