
Showing posts from June, 2017
    Let's talk bread. Stick to your thighs bread. Yummy, golden, soft, know what the hell is in your bread kind of bread. THHHHAAATTTT's right....I'm talking about the kind of bread that you, yourself made. Get ready for a shocker moment...people have been making bread for thousands of years! Wait for it..........without a bread machine! *mic drop*     Ok, sarcasm out of the way...I've been making my bread on and off for years, but normally the ease of making it, wasn't easy and to make things worse, I'm impatient. Impatient + bread making = disaster. Which is why I suppose someone came up with the bread machine. BUT, I don't have one. Hence, my need to find a way to make bread that was easy, doesn't take a whole day and without a crap ton of stuff in it. I know, you're thinking, it's flour, water and yeast....have you read the label to your bread? Go ahead, take a gander. Not likely that it's JUST flour, water and yeast. Also, when making...

The 411 on jewelry when you have kids

     As you all should have gathered from now, With the family and business, I don't have time to fool around trying to to 'be pretty'. Let me be clear, I am speaking of jewelry. I see so many people with amazing necklaces and cool looking bracelets and with dogs and hands are in a lot of places....a...lot...of...places. Seriously.      I've mentioned this company before Isle Coast) with their amazing 'I Care' bracelet line that helps support ocean life...but these bracelets, which are something that is also in their line of goodies is beyond amazing. I can wear them with just about everything. They dress up my outfit, or give me a 'cool' relaxed feeling when I am dressed in my lazy clothes.      Is that it? Absolutely not. It comes in this amazing packaging with a cleaning cloth AND instructions to keep YOUR arm candy in simple perfection! How many small businesses do that anymore? I mean really? So they ca...

EASY Homemade Chocolate Syrup

   So, I know....who has time to MAKE their own chocolate syrup? I KNOW! But, if you read my last post on making your own know that I am all about easy. Again, trying to run a business, take care of 2 kids under 5, 2 pups under 1 year and a adult man baby....I like easy when it comes to everything else in my life.    This recipe can be done in seriously 5-10min... and you know what you're eating. You can control the sugar, the taste and it is easy on the wallet AND you can make it with things that you would normally have in your kitchen anyway! WWWHHHHAAAAAA???? That's right. So, get ready....let's do this! What you'll need (makes a small mason jar):   - 1/2c Milk   - 1/4c Cocoa powder   - 1/2c Cane sugar   - OPTIONAL: pinch of salt & vanilla extract to taste Cheap right??? Let's Make It!   1. In a small saucepan, whisk cocoa and milk.   2. Turn stove on low/medium and heat mixture until cocoa is dissolve...

Best Cleaning Solution Recipe...

   I am not going to lie, cleaning supplies are easy to buy. With 2 kids, a husband, 2 puppies and a house to take care is busy and trying to figure out my own 'green' products along with concocting new recipes for the business....buying cleaning products is just WAY easier.    That being said, I've FINALLY been able to test something that I have heard of, but have never tried. And usually when I get an orange, I don't think about saving the peels...but THIS is totally worth it. Not only are you recycling what you would normally just toss, but you're saving money, energy and And did I mention you're saving money? HAHA. But, this is also safe for kids too which is an extra bonus because I have a toddler who's new fascination is touching EVERYTHING....and then a baby who of course is going through the agonizing lengthy period of putting EVERYTHING in her mouth. Not to mention pups who I catch several times a day just licking. Literal...