Best Cleaning Solution Recipe...

   I am not going to lie, cleaning supplies are easy to buy. With 2 kids, a husband, 2 puppies and a house to take care is busy and trying to figure out my own 'green' products along with concocting new recipes for the business....buying cleaning products is just WAY easier.
   That being said, I've FINALLY been able to test something that I have heard of, but have never tried. And usually when I get an orange, I don't think about saving the peels...but THIS is totally worth it. Not only are you recycling what you would normally just toss, but you're saving money, energy and And did I mention you're saving money? HAHA. But, this is also safe for kids too which is an extra bonus because I have a toddler who's new fascination is touching EVERYTHING....and then a baby who of course is going through the agonizing lengthy period of putting EVERYTHING in her mouth. Not to mention pups who I catch several times a day just licking. Literally....licking....everything. Oh, and a husband who always seems to get sick (secretly I think he has picked up the kids and pups habits and started licking things too). Anyway, to find something 'green' from recycled peels, cheap white vinegar that is good for the environment, my wallet, my entire family AND works. I knew immediately I would have to write about it.
   Let me say, before we get into the nitty gritty that this cleans EVERYTHING in my house. (oy, I'm saying 'everything' a lot...but it's Anyway, it cleans glass better than Windex, it cleans my stove, my counters, my's amazing. I will say that I do not dilute my mixture in the end. Some like to, but I don't. I want it full strength. And even when I do that, the vinegar/orange scent is gone within 15 minutes or so. No biggie. Once again, it's worth it.
   So, here goes. What you'll need:
                          -Several and all orange peels from oranges you, your family or whomever have eaten.
                          -White vinegar.
                          -Water (optional).
                          -Jar (I used a mason jar that I already had..but any will do...try to stick to a glass one)
See, so cheap. Now, what to do:
                          1) Add orange peels to glass jar.
                          2) Fill with white vinegar as you go. Try to add enough to 'cover' the oranges. They might not sink right away, so just add enough so as they loose their oils and sink, they'll be covered.
                          3) Close glass jar and shake.
                          4) Keep in a cooler, darker place for 2-4wks. I put mine in a cabinet and normally just let it go until I see that ALL the peels have lost their color, which is somewhere around the 3rd wk.
                          5) Once it's done sitting for those wks, shake and then strain the liquid into a spray bottle. Then you can throw away or compost your peels. You can then dilute your liquid with 50% water in the spray bottle (OPTIONAL).


Here are a few things to remember....or notes.
   As you add peels (I add mine daily until the big mason jar is full, then begin counting the wks), make sure to keep adding enough vinegar to cover the oranges. You do not want them molding or smelling foul....yuck. Shake the jar every time you close it up from adding oranges/vinegar. And randomly shake it throughout the wks you're letting it sit in your cabinet.

I hope you enjoy this cleaner and really, once you do it for the first time....keeping your supply up is easy peasy!


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